Core Wallet

Core Wallet is implemented as a full node that provides a builtin wallet with web UI and RPC API.

Latest Version

Download v0.2.14

Minimal Version

From time to time we have mandatory or strongly recommended updates to activate new features or fix security/stability issues. In case of doubt, use the latest version.


  1. Download and unzip the latest release
  2. Change directory
    • On UN*X cd ./blacknet/bin
    • On Windows cd .\blacknet\bin
  3. Execute
    • On UN*X ./blacknet
    • On Windows .\blacknet.bat
  4. Web interface is available at http://localhost:8283/

System Requirements

Prerequisites to run a node.


Resource Minimum Recommended
CPU 1 core 2 cores
RAM 512 MiB 1 GiB
Storage 20 GB HDD 20 GB SSD


Java 8 or higher.


Feed back

Report a bug

Send a patch

Source Code

The cryptocurrency and its consensus are written in the Kotlin programming language.

  1. Download the source code for building locally.
  2. For build instructions see the file.

Download v0.2.14

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